I know you guys probably get by now that I’m not a perfect person. It’s challenging to convey this through snippets in blog posts, so oftentimes bloggers (or even friends on Facebook) come across as having the perfect life.
Having it all together.
Being happy all the time while crafting Pinterest-worthy meals and crafts and workouts.
The truth is…no one is perfect. Sometimes it’s good to be reminded of this fact in the form of a confessions post.
Confessions of an Imperfect Blogger (and person)
1. I’m kind of a mess.
I try so hard to keep it together. I really do.
I buy planners, I download apps, I set alarms, I buy sticky notes.
The thing is, I’m a big goof and a human, so I forget things and/or fall of the schedule-everything-in-my-life bandwagon.
2. I’m messy.
I leave messes everywhere even though I like things neat AND I yell at my partner for all of his messes.
3. I’m often late.
And it drives me crazy. I do this weird thing where I either wait until the last minute to get ready OR get ready early and try to be productive until it’s time to leave (and then leave too late). I will admit I need help.
4. I’m kind of a dork.
I don’t always make a good first impression.
In fact, I often cringe at first encounters, either wishing I had actually talked like a normal human being (instead of clamming up) or wishing I hadn’t complained about something weird for so long. I’m working on this…but seriously…I think I’m one of those, “she’s cool once you get to know her” people. I won’t be winning any social butterfly awards anytime soon.
5. I’m not a fashionista.
Sometimes this is stressful for me when going somewhere fancy or where I want to impress people and all I can find in my closet are running shirts and jeans. If I ever wear anything “on trend” it’s probably an accident.
6. I go through phases of being super motivated and super blah.
Does anyone else do that where you get super pumped, write a list of all the brilliant things you’re going to do and then it’s time for lunch and you forget about all of it for two weeks? I do virtually the same thing when it comes to creating recipes, sometimes going MONTHS without a new one! (and then I wonder…what the heck did I even blog about?)
7. I don’t always work out.
At the time of this post, I just confessed to my partner that I haven’t done any workout with weights in an embarrassingly long time and I think I may have forgotten how. I mean, right now I’m doing more running and body weight exercises, but I still feel “out of shape” for a food and fitness blogger.
8. I don’t always eat my veggies.
Especially when I’m driving to and from Nebraska..things get a little dicey. I try to stock the Daddio’s fridge with carrots and things that won’t go bad quickly, but it’s hard.
9. I don’t always feel comfortable in my body.
Shocker, right? I know I preach body acceptance and body love, but the truth is…I don’t always feel it. I tend to bounce out of it quickly because of conditioning my brain to think about things differently, but sometimes I just feel bloated/tired/sad/fluffy/not-like-a-Victoria’s-Secret-model and I get a little down on myself. I think I need to look at least a little “skinny” for anyone to care what I have to say about fitness and health.
That’s not true though… right?
10. Keeping a blog schedule stressed the crap out of me.
I tend to fail at keeping a blog posting schedule, but feel super stressed out about it because I hear EVERYONE say that I need to be consistent. But I also don’t want to force posts. But I want to grow my blog and gain new follower friends…so sometimes I just randomly take a week off because my brain gets all scrambled.
11. I STILL haven’t quite gotten the hang of photography.
Sometimes I make a recipe that I’m all excited about and never post it because the photos make me cringe. I’ve had this fancy camera for so long that it’s crazy I am not the best with the settings. I also can’t tell what the best lighting is to photograph natural light photos. I keep saying I will take a class or something, but I dropped my camera a few months back and the screen is broken so the settings are super hard to change now.
Also, I tried to photograph my dad’s graduation and it was absolutely awful. I have my camera set up for taking still shots of food in the lighting in my apartment and just trust me…it’s NOTHING like photographing moving humans in a dull-yellow-y room.
12. I get cranky.
If I’m hungry, tired or hormonal (or heaven forbid—all three), I can get pretty snappy with loved ones and it stinks a whole lot. I really do try to keep myself fed and well-rested, but sometimes life happens and I don’t realize I’m even being a crabby apple until I’ve just yelled at someone for something absolutely ridiculous.

Despite all of these flaws…I love myself. I really do. I’m learning more and more to embrace the imperfections instead of beating myself up. There is a time and place for trying to improve oneself, but there’s also a space to say, “I’m human. I will try better next time.”
Your turn! Confess something so I don’t feel all alone in my vulnerable imperfections!!
Eat and move happy!
(updated to remove personal details and names)