Excuse me for having a baby.
Excuse me for having a job.
Excuse me for not always excusing myself
even when you think I aught.
Excuse me I burped.
Excused me I passed.
Excuse me I’m a human that needs to get out some gas.
Excuse me for being new.
Excuse me for not knowing.
Excuse me for being sick and being a teacher—I am trying.
Excuse me for the mess.
Excuse me for my error.
Excuse me for not wanting you
to walk around my house.
And study all my rooms.
And ask about the walls.
And all the floors and all the doors and all the work that we’ve done.
Excuse me don’t go in there.
Excuse me I’m embarrassed.
Excuse me don’t you hear me
am I being too quiet?
Let me speak a little louder.
Let me raise up my voice.
Excuse me are you listening
do you hear my words.
It’s like I am a butterfly
when I feel like a bee.
I want to sting
I want to buzz
I want to make you all flee.
Just listen to me.