I was lured into a cult at the age of 18 that masqueraded as an MLM business. Which, let’s be real, MLM’s are cults themselves. Pyramid schemes cloaked in >business opportunity< suits and skirts. So professional.
So Young. So Dumb.
I was freshly 18. I had big plans of becoming an architect. Or interior designer. Or something. I don’t know, I was still in high school and was obsessed with designing houses. But that would all change after an evening with Taylor* and Angela.*
Before you get too worried–no, sex was not involved in my story. I was not defiled in that way. But there are so many other fun ways to get manipulated. To give yourself away before you look back and realize all you’ve lost.
All these things were taken from me without my understanding. Again–I was 18. Have you seen an 18 year old recently? When you’re in your 30’s, teenagers begin to look like little babies.
So young. So stupid. It’s not their fault–they haven’t been out in the real world yet.
Before I had a chance to dip my toe into the shallow pool of life that is college…I was stopped.
Someone grabbed my whole foot and pointed me in a different direction. No shallow pool for you! There is a better, more dazzling body of water over this way.
The Plan
An opportunity! Even better than college! Don’t listen to your parents–just go to college after you’ve become rich. Already enrolled? No problem! Just cancel everything, get a job to pay for your >>business supplies<< and cash in all your savings bonds to purchase products.
No one said those exact words, but “you can do anything after you make it big” was uttered over and over until it seeped into my pliable young brain. And story after story about how this brave young chap had decided to cut all ties with their parents who were dragging him down. His parents just didn’t >get< it. All other sources were deemed other.
Taylor and Angela would show us the way. They showed us >>the plan.<< They would show us this >>great guy<< we just >>had to meet.<<
Awe shucks you must say that to all the shiny new teens you pluck from high school–backpacks and all.
No wonder I threw away everything. I was freshly 18.
*names changed to protect privacy