I tried. I really did. Gave it the ol’ college try.
I gave. I really did.
Gave all I had and more.
I asked for help. I really did.
I reached out, grasping for some solution.
To a problem too big for any of us.
It’s the system. The damned system.
What do you do to conquer the system?
Just one person. Just one me. How?
All those years. All those dollars.
All the heart-on-my-sleeve moments.
For what?
For resentment?
For hurt?
For gossiping behind my back?
When the system pits partner against partner, it is broken.
When parents and teachers are on the battleground on opposing sides, it is broken.
Fighting with each other, we miss the bigger picture.
Pressure from above squishes us all as we fight to come out from under it.
Fighting each other.
Clawing our way out to save ourselves.
Drawing blood as we go.
Just to survive.
Alas, I am only human. I’m turning the other cheek.
Even though I’d love to give them all a good slap myself.
I gave it all I had. I really did. I really did. But why?
I’m still sad.