The pit of my stomach
Drops and it drops
Every time
I think about you.
The way you lied
The way you faked
The way you fooled us all.
My heart you did brake
In pieces on the floor.
Help me assemble
What you’ve shattered.
You’re the mother.
You said I’m on my own
I’m an adult.
So I’m making a decision
On my own
To walk away
From the life I have known.
The veil is removed.
Your character has shown.
I wish you well.
I love you still.
But I’m only human
I need my fill.
Of love. Of laughter.
Of happily ever after.
Of joy. Of security.
Existing in surety.
I feel empty
Like a scooped out bowl.
Need to be filled
If only
I could get off
The couch.
I’m falling
into a deep cave
of anguish.
The hollow in my guts
house butterflies.
Fluttering about
with each passing thought.
Is this really
Is this truly
how it ends?
Deep down here in the pit?