Busy busy busy bee. Why am I a busy bee? Can I rest? Can I breathe some air. Is this living? When will it be over? There is the summer. But summer school. Do I apply to summer school? I want to be with my baby. But babies need money. And security. And to not…
Archives for March 2022
That Text
That text tho. Was it too short. Was it too long. Did I send it at the totally wrong time. Was it too weird. Am I too kind. Will they be able to answer in time. Why did I send it. Why did I try. Why am I so self conscious all the time. Am…
Pawing At the Door
Pawing at the door. She’s pawing at the door. I can’t poop in peace because she’s pawing at the door. Meow she says. Meow she says. Turn on the water for me. Me-OW she says.
I’m Awake
I’m awake. I’m awake. Daylight savings and I’m awake. On Spring break and I’m doing work…for fun?! Is my work fun? It sure doesn’t feel like it when I’m in it. Trying to figure out how to do the hardest thing in primary teaching… guided reading. I just can’t wrap my brain around writing a…
Bully bully. Why you such a bully? The kids from your class are quiet little robots. Smart robots. But quiet and almost scared? Why do I let you bully me? Why do I get so nervous around you. So what if the kids haven’t moved up a reading level. Lay off lady. Should I stay…
Snow Day
Snow day. Snow day. Will there be a snow day? Spring Break is next week and we have a lot of work to do. But staying home with a big cheeked baby is nice, too. Too. Too is a star word. Will my class learn all their star words? Will I succeed as a teacher….
My Head
My head. My head hurts. I’m tired. My head hurts. Baby boy woke up at midnight crying. It hurt my heart. Blue haired student had a hard time. Melt down. Stomping around. He missed work and now I have to help him make it up. Another kid has been gone for 6 days. He’s missed…
I’m Up
I finally got to bed but now I’m up. Little Bubba baby woke up crying. Probably in pain which was hard to hear. I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. So did hubby and he hurt his knee. Because we are old parents. We used teamwork to get little boy back…
I have hiccups. I should try to go to bed. I have hiccups. What is wrong with my head. It’s dark outside. It’s dark inside. It’s late. Baby is asleep. Why can’t I go to bed. Any excuse will do. I have hiccups.