I tried. I really did. Gave it the ol’ college try. I gave. I really did. Gave all I had and more. I asked for help. I really did. I reached out, grasping for some solution. To a problem too big for any of us. It’s the system. The damned system. What do you do…
My Voice
You know when a good time is to lose your voice? Never. Especially when you’re a freaking first grade teacher. We constantly talk. Good job sitting in your seat. You said thank you. I notice this person doing their job and working hard. How did I do I today? Probably because I only had 10…
I’m Awake
I’m awake. I’m awake. Daylight savings and I’m awake. On Spring break and I’m doing work…for fun?! Is my work fun? It sure doesn’t feel like it when I’m in it. Trying to figure out how to do the hardest thing in primary teaching… guided reading. I just can’t wrap my brain around writing a…
Bully bully. Why you such a bully? The kids from your class are quiet little robots. Smart robots. But quiet and almost scared? Why do I let you bully me? Why do I get so nervous around you. So what if the kids haven’t moved up a reading level. Lay off lady. Should I stay…
My Head
My head. My head hurts. I’m tired. My head hurts. Baby boy woke up at midnight crying. It hurt my heart. Blue haired student had a hard time. Melt down. Stomping around. He missed work and now I have to help him make it up. Another kid has been gone for 6 days. He’s missed…
I’m Up
I finally got to bed but now I’m up. Little Bubba baby woke up crying. Probably in pain which was hard to hear. I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. So did hubby and he hurt his knee. Because we are old parents. We used teamwork to get little boy back…
Therapy therapy. I have to go to therapy. Have to? Get to. Who is making me go? It’s me. I’m making me go. What will I talk about? What will I feel? Did I do my homework? How about not getting to bed on time. And I have to nurse in the morning plus just…