Hi Fam. Read when you have time.
I want to make sure you all know that I love you very much. These past few months have been hard. For everyone. I’ve been doing my best to balance being there for others and maintaining my (and my family’s) sanity. I don’t think I’ve done great with either.
I’m sorry my boundaries are hurting others or making people uncomfortable. I hope you all understand I haven’t taken any of this lightly. I know it’s a change and change is hard.
Proposal of Changes
Here is what I’m asking to change (this all goes for me, too):
1. Stop talking about what I did to “set [someone] off.” I’ve apologized for what I can, but I will not accept responsibility for another person’s actions or mental health. It’s unnecessarily hurtful to bring it up and comes off as blaming.
2. Don’t call Dan or I names or personally insult us. If you would like examples, we both have screenshots for your reference.
3. Don’t send unsolicited advice via text message when you don’t have time to talk. If it’s important, you can make time for a conversation. If not, don’t send it. (This applies to myself as well.)
4. If you decide you want to talk, that is your decision. I will not take responsibility for anyone’s behavior or insults when that person can choose to hang up, walk away, not respond, or reschedule a meeting.
5. Stop making assumptions. Have a conversation instead.
My Boundary
As part of my boundary, if any of these things happen, I may do one of a couple of things:
1. Not respond.
2. Leave.
3. Block that person until I feel ready to talk again.
I am willing to address any of these items for clarity. Again, I love you all! Please reach out if you have questions or need clarification on any of these items. I hope we can resolve things and move forward stronger than ever!