You have this device, glued in your hand. Except for right now. What is your plan? To leave me here all alone To fend for myself Just pick up the phone. Whatever you’re doing it can’t be so huge to ignore my call when my heart is so blue. I thought you had my back….
I tried. I really did. Gave it the ol’ college try. I gave. I really did. Gave all I had and more. I asked for help. I really did. I reached out, grasping for some solution. To a problem too big for any of us. It’s the system. The damned system. What do you do…
The One Thing I was Good at
The one thing I was good at in this cult was listening to their CDs and reading their books. This was something we were told to do instead of watching tv or listening to secular music. (Don’t worry–we could listen to Christian music.) At the weekly meetings, there would be a part where IBOs (Independent…
I can’t believe I was in a Cult
This is a realization I came to after years of telling myself it was a business that didn’t work out for me from which I had learned a lot. Then after that I realized it was a pyramid scheme and would refer to it as such to my husband. And finally, after listening to podcasts…
This is My Cult Story
If you’ve ever been in an MLM, you will know that they don’t call it a cult. No cult calls itself a cult. It could be masquerading as religion, a calling, a business, an opportunity. Cults are sneaky. That’s how they get you. I was got. It took me years to realize how bad it…
I want to be loved
I want to be loved, but I want to be heard. I want to know why You don’t like me anymore. Why can’t we be friends With differing views? Why can’t we be okay If we win or we lose? Losing friends hurts my heart, But what will I do If I can’t speak my…
Excuse Me
Excuse me for having a baby. Excuse me for having a job. Excuse me for not always excusing myself even when you think I aught. Excuse me I burped. Excused me I passed. Excuse me I’m a human that needs to get out some gas. Excuse me for being new. Excuse me for not knowing….
My Voice
You know when a good time is to lose your voice? Never. Especially when you’re a freaking first grade teacher. We constantly talk. Good job sitting in your seat. You said thank you. I notice this person doing their job and working hard. How did I do I today? Probably because I only had 10…
Spaced Out
Spaced out. Spaced out. Where did my brain go? It spaced out. Sorry were you talking? I wasn’t listening. But listen to me kids! Focus! Stop spacing out!
Busy Bee
Busy busy busy bee. Why am I a busy bee? Can I rest? Can I breathe some air. Is this living? When will it be over? There is the summer. But summer school. Do I apply to summer school? I want to be with my baby. But babies need money. And security. And to not…